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At the Boulanger family grave that includes Nadia and Lili.  Montmartre cemetery in Paris. 

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Hangin' with Charlie Chaplin in Vevey, Switzerland.  

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2004 Nadia Boulanger Symposium with Emile Naoumoff

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90th Anniversary of the Fine Arts Program of the Ecoles d’Art Américaines.  I'm in good company with Copland and Piazzolla!

Blast from the past:

Conservatoire Américain 

 Les Ecoles d’Art Américaines de Fontainebleau  1978

Fontainebleau, France

Years later.................

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with Carl (Fritz) Schurtz, Louise Talma, Joe Baker

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with Emile Naoumoff 

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Singing Bach! Chris Zimmerman, Joe Kerr, Joe Baker, Carl (Fritz) Schurtz

Joe K, Ignacio Yepes, Fritz, Bob, Emile,

Joe Kerr, Ignatio Yepes, Carl (Fritz) Schurtz, Bob Opatrny, Emile Naoumoff, Annette Dieudonne

Jenna, Laura, Donna, Ignacio, Emile, Mar

Jenna Orkin, Laura Karpman, Donna Weng, Ignacio Yepes, Emile Naoumoff, me, Annette Dieudonne. 

Martha stops to "play" on the boardwalk in Montreux, Switzerland.

Martha at the grave of Igor Stravinsky in Venice, Italy. 


Les Maisonnettes, Boulanger home in Gargenville 2008

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Bar that Nadia Boulanger had built for Stravinsky's vodka when he would visit.  Les Maisonettes, Gargenville 2008

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with Joe Baker, New York City

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with Joe Kerr, Jonathan,  Fontainebleau 

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90th Anniversary of the Fine Arts Program of the Ecoles d’Art Américaines.  

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with Debra Takakjian, Emile Naoumoff, Fontainebleau 2011

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Grave of Francis Poulenc.  Yes, I like cemeteries!  Montmartre cemetery. 


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Gargenville with Emile Naoumoff 2008

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Gargenville 2008 with Emile Naoumoff

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Hangin' with Freddie Mercury.  Montreux, Switzerland.

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2016 Source Song Festival with Jake Endres at the premiere of Ship of Death.

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with Debra Takakjian, Amy Blake, Fontainebleau 2011

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Amy Blake, Debra Takakjian, Fontainebleau 2011 for premiere of I open and fill with love

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2018 Source Song Festival with Tracey Engleman at the premiere of Lonely

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2016 Source Song Festival MNSong Composer participants.  From left, Mark Hoffeditz, Scott Senko, Jessica Rudman, William Kenlon, me, Lyudmilla German

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Source Song Festival 2018 with Joseph Hubbard and Nicholas Phillips at the premiere of Three Sonnets.

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with Debra Takakjian, Paris 2011

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2018 Source Song Festival with Mark Bilyeu

Libby Martha Steve Jason Griffin Seamus

2018 Source Song Festival MNSong Composer participants with Libby Larsen. From left, Libby, Steven Serpa, me, Jason Squinobal, Griffin Candey, Seamus Hubbard Flynn, Joseph Stutzman

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2020 Song Slam Minneapolis with Krista Kostin and Ann DuHamel

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Song Slam 2020, Minneapolis

Source 2018 composers with John and Libb

2018 Source Song Festival MNSong composers with Libby Larsen and John Nuechterlein at the American Composers Forum

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2018 Vancouver Art Song Lab with Barbara Black

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with Jamie Schmidt and Clara Osowski at the premiere of Permanently.

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With Joe Kerr -

post-concert/dinner jocularity.  Joe was probably playing his famous Bessie the Cow song. Fontainebleau 2019

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with Joe Kerr, Fontainebleau 2019

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2018 Vancouver Art Song Lab with Rachel Iwaasa, Barbara Black and Dorothea Hayley at the premiere of Too much light

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2020 Music by Women Festival with Ben Harris and Matthew Hoch for performance of Ship of Death

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2020 Music by Women Festival composers

Mississippi University for Women


May 2022  With Ryan Hugh-Ross at the premiere of Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death in Minneapolis.  Loft Literary Center.  

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Martha Helen Schmidt, Linda Young, Joe Baker, Joe Kerr.  Fontainebleau Schools 100th Anniversary fete at the Harvard Club in NYC. May 2022


May 2022  Ryan Hugh-Ross, Martha Helen Schmidt, Dr. Daniel Rieppel, Barton Sutton at the Marshall preview concert of Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death based on the poetry of Bill Holm.  SMSU Religious Center.


May 2022  With Dr. Daniel Rieppel at the premiere of Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death in Minneapolis.  Loft Literary Center.  


May 2022  With Barton Sutton, Marcy Brekken, Dr. Daniel Rieppel, and Ryan-Hugh Ross at the premiere of Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death in Minneapolis.  Loft Literary Center. 

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October 2022   Ryan Hugh Ross, Martha Helen Schmidt, Dr. Daniel Rieppel.  Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death concert in Reykjavik at Frikirkjan i Reykjavik Church. 

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October 2022  Anna Sigriður Helgadóttir, Ryan Hugh Ross, Dr. Daniel Rieppel, Martha Helen Schmidt, Wincie Jóhannsdóttir, Marcella Brekken Holm.  Concert in Reykjavik at Frikirkjan i Reykjavik church.  


Pioneer PBS made a documentary about "Playing Haydn for the Angel of Death." That production won a Emmy Award!  Congrats to Dana Conroy and her fabulous team!  A huge thank you to the performers and commissioners of the song cycle, Dr. Daniel Rieppel and Dr. Ryan Hugh Ross. 

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