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Solo Vocal

A LITTLE WHILE                                         for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano                      Poetry by Sara Teasdale


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   BURIED LOVE                                               for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano 

   Poetry by Sara Teasdale 


   Perusal Score PDF



Poetry by Jelaluddin Rumi


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 Song Cycle for Soprano and Piano     

I.   In your light I learn how to love

In your light I learn how to love - Amy Blake - Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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II. There is some kiss we want 

There is some kiss we want - Amy Blake - Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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III. Are you jealous?

Are you jealous? - Amy Blake - Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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IV. Drumsound rises on the air

Drumsound rises on the air - Amy Blake - Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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V.   I open and fill with love 

I open and fill with love - Amy Blake - Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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 Poetry by Paul Verlaine  (in French)


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  for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano

il pleure dans mon cœur - Coline Infante - Mezzo-Soprano, Debra Takakjian - Piano
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LA PREGUNTA                                               for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano

Poetry by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz


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Poetry by Freya Manfred



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for Soprano and Piano 

Lonely - Tracey Englemen - Soprano, Mary Jo Gothman - Piano
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Poetry by Kenneth Koch



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for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano

MUSIC MASTER                                            Song Cycle for Tenor and Piano

Poetry by Jelaluddin Rumi



(Also available in store for medium high voice - Perusal Score PDF)



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I.   You that love lovers 

You that love lovers - Jeffrey Hess - Tenor, Maureen Armstrong - Piano
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II.  When I am with you

When I am with you - Jeffrey Hess - Tenor, Maureen Armstrong - Piano
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III. The minute I heard my first love story

The minute I heard my first love story - Jeffrey Hess - Tenor, Maureen Armstrong - Piano
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Poetry by Kenneth Koch



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for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano 

Permanently - Clara Osowski- Mezzo Soprano, Jamie Schmidt - Piano
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ANGEL OF DEATH                                      Song Cycle for Bass/Baritone and Piano

Poetry by Bill Holm 


Perusal Score PDF


QUATRE CHANSONS                                    Song Cycle for Soprano, Violin, Piano    

Poetry by Baudelaire, Apollinaire, 

Valéry, Laforgue (in French)

Perusal Score PDF

1. Le Voyage

Le Voyage - Patricia Kent - Soprano, David Arnott - Violin, Amy Grinsteiner - Piano
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2. Le Pont Mirabeau

3. Le Bois Amical

Le Bois Amical - Patrica Kent - Soprano, David Arnott - Violin, Amy Grinsteiner - Piano
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 4. Coupe de foudre  


Poetry by D.H. Lawrence


 Perusal Score PDF


I.    Bid Farewell    

II.   Have you built? 

III.  A strong heart at peace

IV.  The longest journey

V.   Oblivion

VI.  Wait, wait! 

VII. The soul steps out

VIII. Voyage of oblivion 


Song Cycle for Bass/Baritone and Piano

Bid farewell - Jake Endres - Baritone, Casey Rafn - Piano
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Have you built? - Jake Endres - Baritone, Casey Rafn - Piano
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Oblivion - Jake Endres - Baritone, Casey Rafn - Piano
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The soul steps out - Jake Endres - Baritone, Casey Rafn - Piano
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Poetry by William Shakespeare, 

Edward Shanks, G. K. Chesterton


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I.  Sonnet 29 


II. Unceasing Light from Sonnets on Separation VII                                                       


 III.Sonnet to a Stilton Cheese 

Song Cycle for Bass/Baritone and Piano

Sonnet 29 - Joseph Hubbard - Bass/Baritone, Nicholas Phillips - Piano
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Unceasing light - Joseph Hubbard - Bass/Baritone, Nicholas Phillips - Piano
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Sonnet to a Stilton Cheese - Joseph Hubbard - Bass/Baritone, Nicholas Phillips - Piano
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TO JOY                                                            for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano

Poetry by Sarah Teasdale


Perusal Score PDF

To Joy - Hannah Armstrong - Mezzo-Soprano, Jared Miller - Piano
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Poetry by Barbara Black


Perusal Score PDF

for Soprano and Piano

Too much light - Dorothea Hayley – Soprano, Rachel Iwaasa - Piano
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Poetry by Paul Verlaine (in French)


Perusal Score PDF


Also available for Medium High Voice 


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I.   Un grand sommeil noir


II.  Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit 


III. Mon réve familier

Song Cycle High Voice and Piano

Un grand sommeil noir - Hannah Armstrong - Soprano, Julian Ward - Piano
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Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit - Hannah Armstrong - Soprano, Julian Ward - Piano
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Mon rêve familier - Hannah Armstrong - Soprano, Julian Ward - Piano
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